Twin Flame
Only at the point of inner completion is it appropriate to bring together the Twin Flame. When you have reached a state of wholeness within ... you will begin to magnify your Divine Tonal Complement or Twin Flame. Thus, when you no longer feel a need for a partner ... he/she will appear.
This is my personal twin flame experience.
"PURPOSE"When I saw the word, I immediately understood why we are here on planet earth. After having been here for more years than I care to reveal, I doubt I would do it again. Fortunately, we don't have to. We got it right the first time around. I wonder if that has even been done before. Even Jesus decided to give it up after no one could quite grasp his true intentions. We can't give up. We are too much in love. I suppose that is why we were asked to take on such a demanding task. God knew we would see it through no matter what. We will do ANYTHING to be together. Takes some kind of crazy to love someone so much that you would blindly follow any path to get to them, huh? Crazy? NO! That is the love of God....All That Is...The Creator. Unconditional Love. Easiest way to learn to love unconditionally is to love someone who isn't physically with you. I think that's what "if you love something, let it go" was born from. When you free yourself from all conditions and attachments to an object or person, you are free to simply love. Pure love...Love is all there is. Sound too simple? It is that simple. When not in human form, we are pure love. As I understand it, all spiritual beings are part male, part female. We are both and neither. It is rare that even incarnated twins fully understand this. Sometimes the physical love blinds them to the true meaning of the union. Some days I wish I had kissed my twin. I wonder what it will be like to be in his arms. I shed a few tears each morning because I have to leave "us". I miss him. It's not the kisses that I miss...we never kissed. It's not his touch....we never touched. I do miss his smile..which I would wait forever to see again. But most of all I miss our spirit form. The form that doesn't involve separation on any level. We have worked very hard to dispel that illusion. We can never be apart regardless of our respective physical locations. Our Purpose here on earth is to be together.
Mercury turns Direct March 25thMercury has been retrograde since the 2nd of March. I wouldn't be so concerned if I wasn't affected so by it's backward motion. As a Gemini, Mercury is my ruling planet. I don't suffer adversely and when I check my natal chart for what house the retrograde is impacting it is actually an exciting time for me. This Mercury retrograde in Pisces impacted my 6th house. The 6th house deals with health, healing & duty and is commonly referred to as the "House of Health". Although ruled by the zodiac sign Virgo, the 6th house is also ruled by the planet Mercury. It's been like Old Home week in my brain this month. Loads of commotion going on right now. According to Alpha Life Trends, my favorite celestial website, Mercury in Pisces brings to the surface spiritual and intuitive qualities. Our true inner selves come out. Retrograde Mercury in Pisces allows us to review and revise our spiritual world. So...Combining all that I have read and everything I know, I expect our physical ascension to be nearing it's end. I expect full consciousness...Fully awakened consciousness, like before the fall. I used to dread Mercury retrogrades because I thought they might hamper communication between Twin & I. We have worked so hard to be in constant contact. It is our natural state now. Even when he is sleeping I sometimes wake him up to make sure we are still entwined. I miss the pressure I feel in my face when he's resting. Feels like we are in a totally new place. Is this the new world?
"I'M HERE"That was my sign on the way to work this morning. Saturday it was "IWAIT4YOU". So near as I can tell, my twin has made it all the way to the kingdom. I'm bringing up the rear. I just wish I knew what I could do to catch up to him faster. I gave up looking for answers outside of myself long ago, but the closer we get, the more questions I have. Either I am not hearing the answers or there are no answers. My mind keeps going back to 22nd verse of The Gospel of Thomas...."When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]."I am assuming that since I hold the light, that I have also reached the kingdom, but there is still a limb or two that is keeping us from entering. So maybe he is there and can't get in without me. Maybe Jesus had a few more secret sayings that can help me understand. It's worth a look.
Walking the TalkI fear nothing. Not life, death or destruction. Fear only holds you back. I believe that fear alone is what kills you. Fear causes disease and destruction. I am fearless!The company I work for was acquired by another and is going through yet another round of layoffs today. My job was never in jeopardy and I have no reason to think that it ever will be. So why am I sad? I practice detached compassion, as that is the only form of compassion I know. I wholeheartedly believe that everything happens for a reason and things happen exactly as they are meant to. So why am I sad? Several of my favorite people are being laid off today. I almost envy them. When I quit school with the hopes of renewing my singing career, I certainly didn't envision myself working as an executive assistant in an office some 10 years later. blah I dream of the day I can walk away from this job and not think of schedules, meetings and filing ever again. My mood has forced me to reevaluate my fearlessness. Why am I sad? Because I now face the unknown. I face more work, more stress and less help. I feel like I am left on a sinking ship all alone. I am faced with the continuation of a job that I don't want to do and now I have no one around to help ease the pain. that's what fear feels like. I do not like that feeling and now that I know what it's like, I know why it's so destructive. So I am over it. Faith renewed. I know that everything is happening exactly as it should. I fear nothing....