Twin Flame
Only at the point of inner completion is it appropriate to bring together the Twin Flame. When you have reached a state of wholeness within ... you will begin to magnify your Divine Tonal Complement or Twin Flame. Thus, when you no longer feel a need for a partner ... he/she will appear.
This is my personal twin flame experience.
On my way to work this morning I saw it on a license plate, “CMPLETE”. Oh the sensation. It’s about time. I am so ready for my destiny….
I don’t exactly feel complete yet. We’ve been inching toward completion for a while now. After the recognition of yet another set of twins yesterday, things have stepped up a bit. The universe needs all incarnated twins to be in spiritual contact. Every awakened soul helps raise consciousness on earth.
I couldn’t breathe in my dreams last night. I kept gasping for air. It’s happened before but not like last night. When I dream I feel like I’m awake. I love my dreams. I fight a lot. Spend a lot of time on different kinds of space craft. I remember a dream in which I had my own personal craft. I parked it on my front lawn.
Instant OrgasmsI happen to turn the tv to Grey's Anatomy the other night and portrayed in the show was a woman who was having spontaneous orgasms. And she wanted them to end. How crazy is that?I really miss my "instant orgasms". Only once did I have to actually pull over on the side of the road until one subsided. I learned how to control my physical reaction to them, even if I didn't see them coming. I enjoyed each and every one of them. It feels like they will be returning soon. yea!I used to think I was just oversexed...without the sex part. For most of my life I felt like I was on the verge of orgasms all the time. That's why I don't like to be touched. I guess that is also why I don't need to have sex. The slightest touch could spark an orgasm. Enjoyable of course, but it is not always appropriate to have public orgasms. Orgasms are fine while dancing, not so great when talking to your boss.If I had to describe what it is like to meet God, I would say it feels like the most amazing orgasm you could imagine.
My Aching HeartI miss him so much. Valentine's Day doesn't really matter I know, but for some reason the pain is more intense today. He misses me. Tears fall from my eyes with no effort. When one of us cries, the other cries too. It's not a sad feeling. More like a pain ripping through my chest.
It feels like we are getting closer and closer. Of course it has felt like that for years. The difference is, now we are one. Joined at the brain. I used to joke, before I knew of all this, that I was going to have myself surgically attached to his side as soon as I saw him again. Now I feel his heartbeat inside of my own. No need for the surgery now.
I suppose this sounds a little strange to anyone who has not met their twin. It’s not so much a physical relationship as it is a spiritual one. We just happen to have come here to be in love. Love is all there is.
Still, I ask everyday….”when can we be together?” I sound like a broken record after 11 years. When, when, when……Not a peep from God. So I ask my twin. He never seemed to know either. Well, not until this past weekend.
While driving along 8 Mile Friday night, I saw a license plate “HEKNOWS” Accompanying my sighting was a jolt of cosmic energy that originated in my Sacral Chakra and spread to my Crown. He knows! So now I no longer need to ask the question, when. As long as he knows when, I am content. He feels really calm now. When he is happy, I am happy.
CompletionAfter 11 years, almost to the day, I think we are finally...almost...complete. Believe what you want. I know the truth. We all have a twin. Just not all twins incarnate at the same time. This mission would have been so much easier had only one of us come to earth, but that was not an option for us. We had to come here to prove a point. Prove the truth. It is almost time......