I don't know where to begin in describing what we are experiencing. I don't know that there is a name for it. Is this Physical Ascension? Full Consciousness? I guess I should start with what I do know.
I know I'm in love. In love with myself. In love with life. In love with energy. In love with planet earth. In love with the Universe. In love with love. In love with my twin. A line from a song I wrote describing Our love explains how Twin Love feels. "Our love's the love Love loves when Love's in love" We are love.
I know I'm ready for my destiny. This has been a long and tiring journey. Since childhood, I've seen the future in visions. Visions of things that began happening after meeting Twin and many things that have still not occurred. It is a bit maddening at times. To see things and not know when I will live them. To see Twin & I touching and not know when I get to actually feel his touch. I know we will be together soon. We have to be together soon. It's getting too difficult to be apart. We exist as one Being on every level, except the physical. We share a brain, heart & Eye. With the latest scientific discoveries regarding what the brain can do, it shouldn't be hard to understand or at least imagine what the brain is capable of. I believe we all use the totality of our brain, but consciousness is the key to higher brain functions. The brain can takes us places beyond imagination if we are conscious of the journey. I go blindly and without fear where ever my spirit takes me. Where I am destined to be.
These next few weeks should prove to be exceptional for raising consciousness. The planets are aligning for magnificence. It is time to begin our true journey.